LME Adult Daycare Center
Our specially tailored programs help foster independence, and self esteem. We value each member as we would our own family, taking the time to get to know each of our members on a personal level in order to better serve their individual needs. We are a group of caring people looking to make a difference, sharing the same values of top quality care towards our members every day.
Center Activities
Complimentary Breakfast and Lunch
Variety of drinks, snacks and fruits
Door to Door Transportation
Health Screenings
Mental Stimulation Games, Daily Bingo, Card Games, Domino
TV, Karaoke and Movies
Parties and Celebrations
Local Field Trips & Tours
Live Entertainment, Music & Dancing
Arts & Crafts
English, Spanish and Chinese classes
Computer Class
Cooking Class
Board Games
Fitness Sessions (Chair Yoga, Stretching, Walking Club & more)
Health Seminars, Nutrition Workshops and Classes
Beauty Sessions (Manicures, Hair Cuts, Facials)
Are you passionate about what we're doing as an adult day care? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you! Day centers like ours are special; we couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Taking care of our seniors makes for a stronger and more loving community and happy day centers for adults. Looking out for one another ensures a safer and happier neighborhood. When we all do a little, we can do so much!
Call us now for more info: 1-414-800-4284